Saturday, 26 December 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Well folks, Boxing Day marks a year of singledom. Last year, even though ditching my boyf was not particularly festive, it was a weight lifted from my shoulders! It's not bothering me at all that i've been single for a year either- I've done lots of things (some of which Lynne thinks I shouldn't have done because now i've no need for a boyf) like changing bulbs in my car and going out lots with people I've met on twitter (had some AH MAZIN nights with @noberts and @ladybolan) that I probably wouldn't have done if I wasn't single. With everything that happened in the run up to Christmas, i'm glad I was single- my mum needed lots of help in the house and a Mr would have been a distraction, although I would have welcomed it at times. It also worked well because I simply didn't have the time to buy many gifts (thank god for secret santas!).

Tonight, I'll be sitting infront of the fire with mum and Chris, probably making a few cocktails and stopping mum from swiping my cider. Everyone is away out but i'm not a boxing night fan so I'll head for a few drinks tomorrow night.

Merry Christmas and I hope all my readers, twitter followers and IRL friends have a great festive period and that 2010 brings lots of good things.

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